
A PINE STREET WALK WITH DOCS (or ‘an x-ray time-machine super adventure’)

with Jeff Cohen, Professor, Growth and Structure of Cities. Bryn Mawr College
Tuesday 7 June, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

1100-18 Pine Street, with July 1850 survey made for Israel Van Horn (FFI 93: 11936, HSP)

The tour is free, but space is limited.
Advance registration is required by June 6 at
Tour starting point will be provided when your registration is confirmed.
Priority will be given to Phila Chapter SAH members, but if space is available non-members are welcome to request a spot.

Join us in a casual spring evening stroll along and near Pine Street, between 9th and 20th Street, with its great run of surviving rowhouses from the latter 2/3 of the 19th century. We’ll set the stage for a mobile conversation by bringing along period plans of and info on several of the buildings we’ll encounter – many as reflections of evolving design practices of speculative developers, along with a few houses that have been individualized by familiar architects.


This event will be held virtually via Zoom.
Friday, March 11 2022, 6:30 PM — 8:30 PM

What’s the oldest highway bridge in the United States? What well-known Philadelphia architect is interred in the Tennessee state capitol building? If you know the answers, and even if you don’t, join us for our second Architectural Quizzo! Sign up individually, or better yet with friends, to test your knowledge of work by Philadelphia architects in other places, surrounding counties, and Philadelphia folklore.

You’ll work in teams to answer five exciting rounds of questions – with prizes for the winning team! (NOTE: you do not have to form a team, in order to make this a truly social event and introduce you to potential new friends you will be assigned to a team after you register.)

Free for members (plus 1 guest) of the Philadelphia Chapter SAH, or the Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia, and of the Young Friends of the Preservation Alliance.
$5 for non-members.

Registration requested by March 4 at

Co-sponsored by the Philadelphia Chapter, Society of Architectural Historians and the Young Friends of the Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia.


by George Dodds, PhD
Alvin and Sally Beaman Professor of Architecture
University of Tennessee, School of Architecture
Wednesday, September 14 at 7:00 PM (rescheduled from Dec. 2, 2021)
Online via Zoom
Free, but in order to receive a private link to the Zoom presentation registration is required with

Join us for another in our series of talks on “The Elusive Philadelphia School – The Many Guises of Philadelphia Modernism”

Architectural history is a fickle thing. Until the publication of the new edition of Kenneth Frampton’s, Modern Architecture: A Critical History, Carlo Scarpa’s work occupied an important place in the book’s conclusion, offered as a paradigm of “critical regionalism.” In the new edition, published last year, Scarpa’s work is all but relegated to a footnote. The work of the Philadelphia-based architects Alfred and Jane West Clauss has been visited a similar fate, albeit over a much longer trajectory. Absent from virtually every major overview of Modern Architecture, one finds fragmentary references to Alfred alone in two monographs on William Lescaze, and Mark Lamster’s, The Man in the Glass House: Philip Johnson, Architect of the Modern Century. Even in Mies van der Rohe’s own payroll accounts from his Berlin office, used while designing The German Representation Pavilion for the 1929 Barcelona International Exposition, and the Tugendhat House, an “Alfred Claus” appears, but absent the second “s.” And while many of the most provocative claims about Alfred Clauss’s role in watershed moments of 20th-century modern architecture are almost invariably traced back to Alfred himself, there is still this. Over the course of his career, he worked with Mies van der Rohe while the Barcelona Pavilion was being designed, with Howe & Lescaze on arguably the most important tall building in the United States before WWII, with Philip Johnson on Johnson’s apartment designed by Mies and Lilly Reich, and the design of the perhaps the most important exhibition of the 20th century, MoMA’s 1932, Modern Architecture: An International Exhibition, while also included in the exhibition. And all of this was before he and Jane West Clauss designed the first enclave of modern houses in the United States on an isolated knoll in an obscure corner of Knox County, Tennessee. And yet, there is more.

George Dodds earned his professional architectural degree at the University of Detroit and his Master of Architecture, and a PhD in architectural history and theory from the University of Pennsylvania. Dodds has published two books: Building Desire: On the Barcelona Pavilion (Routledge, 2005) and Body and Building: Essays on the Changing Relation of Body and Architecture (MIT Press, 2002) co-edited with Robert Tavernor. He has authored over fifty articles, papers, and public lectures spanning the work Mies van der Rohe, Richard Neutra, Carlo Scarpa, Gabriel Guevrekian, William Lescaze, and current practitioners such as KieranTimberlake, and Duvall Decker Architects (recently on the Common Edge website). He is currently working on a feature for Architectural Record on the recently completed conservation of the Brion Tomb and Sanctuary while continuing his research into the work of Alfred and Jane West Clauss.

Topic: PC_SAH_George Dodds talk
Time: Dec 2, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Thomas U. Walter and the Villas of Girard Avenue

House of Andrew D. Cash, Girard Ave. & 15th St., c. 1841

Philadelphia Chapter SAH invites you to join us for our next program
by Paula Spilner, PhD
Sunday, November 14 at 2:00 p.m. via Zoom
Open to all, no registration required. See below for Zoom link.

Dr. Paula Spilner will discuss the long-forgotten origins of a near North Philadelphia neighborhood known in the 19th century as Green Hill, bisected by Girard Avenue west of Broad. In the 1840s, the rural 80-acre Green Hill Estate, property of the Stiles family since the late 18th century, was provided with a rectilinear street grid and subdivided into building lots for the construction of houses. Marshalling a wide array of archival sources, Dr. Spilner documents the development process, including the construction of the first houses on Green Hill. These included the splendid mansion designed in 1840 for Benjamin Stiles by Thomas Ustick Walter, perhaps the preeminent architect in Philadelphia. The newly discovered plan of the Stiles mansion will be discussed here for the first time. Dr. Spilner also argues that Walter designed at least five Greek Revival mansions, commissioned for the wealthy businessmen who sponsored the development of Green Hill. These included the founder and president of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, and the president of the Bank of the United States.

Paula Spilner, PhD, taught art and architectural history for over 30 years, most recently at Drexel University. Her dissertation is on urban development in late medieval Florence. Her enthusiasm for the 19th century began when she moved to Philadelphia three decades ago and trained as a guide for the Foundation for Architecture. She served as a tour guide for 15 years, and later managed the tour program and lecture series. She has lectured on a variety of topics for the Foundation and its successors, Philadelphia Society for the Preservation of Landmarks and the Preservation Alliance. A lecture on the Betz Building (1892), Philadelphia’s first skyscraper, cemented her interest in 19th century Philadelphia. She is currently working on the pre-Civil War development of a new neighborhood in Spring Garden.

Time: Nov 14, 2021 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Philadelphia Chapter, Society of Architectural Historians
and the Athenaeum of Philadelphia present
by Sandy Isenstadt, Professor and Chair, History of Modern Architecture, University of Delaware and author of Electric Light: An Architectural History (MIT Press 2018)
Wednesday, October 27 at 6:00 p.m.

This will be an in-person event at the Athenaeum of Philadelphia, 219 S. 6th Street.

Free for Phila SAH members & Athenaeum members, $10 all others
Preregistration required at

Electric light was more than just a novel way of brightening a room or illuminating a streetscape when it was introduced in the late-nineteenth century. It was a new and uniquely modern kind of building material, generating new sorts of spaces that altered and sometimes eclipsed previously existing spaces. This talk will review several such spaces—from automobile headlights to factory lighting to wartime mandated blackouts—in order to construct an architectural modernism centered on the new perceptual conditions and visual habits that followed widespread electrification.


Lancaster Central Market

with expert guides Gregg Scott, FAIA and Jim Douglas, AIA
Saturday, July 31, 2021, 10:00 a.m. to approx. 1:00 p.m.
Meets at The Lancaster Theological Seminary Parking Lot
555 W James Street (at the corner of College Avenue)
(free parking compliments of the Seminary)

Cost $20.00 per person
This program is open only to current Phila Chapter SAH Members. Space is limited.
Advance registration is required at
Once your current membership is confirmed, you will receive an email with payment instructions and additional details.

Lancaster is accessible by car or Amtrak service from Philadelphia and Harrisburg. Public bus service is available between the Lancaster Amtrak Station and The Lancaster Theological Seminary.

Sandy Smith, Philadelphia Magazine’s Real Estate editor recently wrote, “Lancaster has to be the coolest small city in the state, and maybe even the entire Mid-Atlantic region.” Lancaster City was the vision of James Hamilton in 1734 and considered to be the ‘stepping off point’ to the Ohio River Valley and the frontier beyond.  Pioneers would secure their Conestoga wagons and Pennsylvania long rifles in Lancaster before heading west. The 286 years of history provides a wealth of architectural styles that are available to discover in a very condensed and tight nucleus around the town center.

Our walking tour begins at the historic Franklin & Marshall College campus and includes a six-block walk to center city along mansion row. See multiple examples of Chateauesque, Tudor Revival, Colonial Revival, English Country, Spanish Revival, Dutch Colonial, Norman Gothic, Queen Anne and Second Empire. Ending in center city, Penn Square supports an additional fourteen architectural styles within a two-block radius of the 1874 Gothic Revival Civil War memorial. The vast inventory of diverse architectural styles in excellent condition impresses even the most fervent architectural critics. Our tour will adjourn with lunch (not included) at the internationally acclaimed 1889 Romanesque Revival Central Market, a commission won by James H. Warner when he was only twenty-four years old! (

Phila Chapter SAH: Two Tours at Temple

A Tour of the Exhibit “Learning to See: Denise School Brown”
with Pablo Meninato, Associate Professor of Architecture, Tyler School of Art
followed by a
Tour of Temple’s New Charles Library
with Kate Wingert-Playdon, Associate Dean, Tyler School of Art
Tuesday, June 29 from 4:00 p.m. to approx.. 6:00 p.m.

Charles Library (photo courtesy of Temple University)

This will be a live, in-person event.
As mask regulations are subject to change quickly, you should bring a mask just in case one is required.

This is a free event that was originally open only to current Phila Chapter SAH Members.  BUT WE NOW HAVE A FEW SPACES OPEN FOR NON-MEMBERS.
Advance registration is required at info@philachaptersah,org. no later than Monday, June 28.  Please email that address with any questions.

Please arrive at Temple Contemporary Tyler School of Art, 2001 N 13th St, Philadelphia, by 3:45 p.m., the tour will begin promptly at 4:00 p.m.

Denise Scott Brown is regarded as among the most influential architects of the twentieth century; through her architecture, planning, theoretical writing and mentorship she and her late partner, Robert Venturi are credited with changing the course of American Architecture.

One of the guiding principles underlying this new trajectory is a non-judgmental way of looking at and responding as designers to the everyday built environment. This “Learning From . . .” approach is vividly conveyed in the photography of Denise Scott Brown.

The photos on display document Scott Brown’s travels, inspirations and interests through the lens—from the rural vernacular of South Africa to the beauty and banality of European cities, to the significance of pop culture in the American built environment, like the Las Vegas Strip, through its gas stations, billboards, roadside stores, signs, advertisements and more

If you can’t join our tour, “Learning to See: Denise Scott Brown,” will be on exhibit at Temple Contemporary through September 19, 2021.

Temple’s Charles Library opened for the start of the fall 2019 semester. This state-of-the-art learning center is transforming the campus with its striking design and sophisticated technology. It’s the most modern library in Pennsylvania and one of the most significant new libraries in North America. It’s a place where all Temple students and faculty, regardless of discipline, can study, learn, create and collaborate.

The library boasts an impressive collection of high-demand volumes available in traditional stacks, and additional books available via an automated storage and retrieval system known as the BookBot. Located underneath Charles, the cutting-edge technology increases usability, allowing for more open space in the library where faculty and students can gather and work, while still providing easy access to the library’s extensive collection.

Sited at the intersection of two major pedestrian pathways, Polett Walk and Liacouras Walk, and at the nexus of Temple’s Main Campus, Charles Library anchors a new social and academic heart for the university’s diverse student body of over 39,000.

Woven into the fabric of North Philadelphia, the building sits just one block off of Broad Street, the connecting artery to the city. Within its dynamic urban context, Snøhetta’s design, developed in collaboration with Stantec, reinterprets the traditional typology of the research library as a repository for books, integrating the building with a diversity of collaborative and social learning spaces. And in offering more than double the amount of study spaces than its 1960s predecessor, Paley Library, the 220,000-square-foot Library anticipates welcoming over 5 million annual visitors.

SAH Phila Annual Members Meeting: Architecture Confronting Inequality

SAH Philadelphia Chapter invites you to join us for
Our Annual Members Meeting
Thurs, May 27 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom
Free, no registration required.
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The brief business meeting will be followed by a talk:

by Pablo Meninato, PhD

Beginning in the second half of the twentieth century, most Latin American countries experienced unprecedented mass migration of impoverished people moving from rural areas to informal settlements located at the urban periphery. Dr. Pablo Meninato will present how several contemporary architects across Latin America have been developing urban interventions that significantly depart from conventional approaches to architecture and planning. He will concentrate on the tactical initiatives developed in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, the San Diego-Tijuana border, at the urban periphery of Buenos Aires, and the barrios of Medellin. This research contributes to a forthcoming book, Informality and the City. Theories, actions, interventions.

Pablo Meninato, PhD is an architect, architectural critic, and educator whose research focuses on the conception and development of the architectural project. He has academic degrees from the University of Belgrano at Buenos Aires, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Meninato is the author of Unexpected Affinities (Routledge, 2018), a book that proposes a historical reassessment of the concept of architectural ‘type’ and its impact on the design process. The book examines affinities between tactics of the readymade—as conceived by the artist Marcel Duchamp—and typological displacement. In his current research, Meninato investigates how various contemporary architects are developing new and original urban design tactics that enhance the quality of life in informal settlements across Latin America.Prior to joining Temple University as Associate Professor, Meninato taught and practiced architecture at various academic institutions in the U.S. and Latin America.His essays have been published in various magazines, journals, and books. Together with his collaborator, Dr. Gregory Marinic, Meninato will be publishing two books: Informality and the City. Theories, actions, interventions (Springer, January 2022) and Hopeful Rebar. Informal Urbanism in Mexico City (University of Cincinnati Press, March 2022).

Saturday July 31, 2021
This is an SAH Phila members-only program as space is limited.
Registration info will be announced in early July
For information on becoming an SAH member visit the membeship page on our website.


With AIA National President Peter Exley and Carolina Vaccaro, Scholar and Curator
Thursday, April 22, at 4:00 p.m.
Free and open to all via this Zoom link:

This is the third talk in SAH Philadelphia’s The Elusive Philadelphia School; The Many Guises of Philadelphia’s Modernism lecture series. Keep your eye on our website for future talks in this series

“Denise Scott Brown: ‘Learning to See’” will be on exhibit at Temple Contemporary from May 20 through September 19, 2021.

Denise Scott Brown is regarded as among the most influential architects of the twentieth century; through her architecture, planning, theoretical writing and mentorship she and her late partner, Robert Venturi are credited with changing the course of American Architecture.

One of the guiding principles underlying this new trajectory is a non-judgmental way of looking at and responding as designers to the everyday built environment. This “Learning From . . .” approach is vividly conveyed in the photography of Denise Scott Brown.

The photos on display document Scott Brown’s travels, inspirations and interests through the lens—from the rural vernacular of South Africa to the beauty and banality of European cities, to the significance of pop culture in the American built environment, like the Las Vegas Strip, through its gas stations, billboards, roadside stores, signs, advertisements and more. (

In advance of the show’s opening, SAH Philadelphia, in conjunction with the Tyler Department of Architecture is pleased to bring together two prominent architect/scholars in their own right, who learned from, and were profoundly influenced by, their formative experiences with Venturi Scott Brown and their associates.

Peter Exley, FAIA, AIA President, co-founder of the Chicago based firm architectureisfun: Peter Exley has established an internationally-recognized, award winning practice of architecture for children, families and communities elevating the standards of design for learning and play environments. He worked at Venturi, Scott Brown & Associates in the late 1980’s.

Carolina Vaccaro is an architect and scholar based in Rome, Italy, and has published multiple works around this topic. Vaccaro worked at the office of Venturi, Scott Brown & Associates in the 1980s. She is the scientific curator and designer of the “Denise Scott Brown: ‘Learning to See’” exhibition at Tyler Contemporary.

We hope you will join us for what promises to be a lively and revealing discussion.

The photography of Denise Scott Brown has been featured in a variety of shows and publications, including:


Graham Foundation

Carriage Trade, N.Y.

Arch Record / Venice Biennale


by Kevin Block, PhD
Thursday, March 25 at 7:30 p.m.
Free, no registration required
Online via Zoom, see below for access information

Lankenau Hospital was, perhaps, the most modern community hospital in America when it opened near the beginning of suburban Philadlephia’s prestigious Main Line in December of 1953. Wowed by its Atomic Age medical technology and focus on preventive health, the local press hailed Lankenau as an entirely “new kind of hospital.” The editors of Architectural Record and Progressive Architecture, meanwhile, awarded Kling’s design national honors for transcending the merely functional requirements of a healthcare facility. To them, Lankenau was “real architecture.” Edmund Bacon, Philadelphia’s famous master planner, was so impressed by Kling’s model for Lankenau that after seeing it he invited Kling to work with him on Center City’s urban renewal. Lankenau was thus the beginning of Kling’s transformation from a young hospital architect into the owner of what would become Philadelphia’s most prominent corporate architecture firm.

While historians tend to think of corporate architecture as placeless practice and overlook the importance of regional firms in the evolution of what is now a global design industry, Lankenau was a complicated, elite-directed exercise in middle-class community building, one that projected an image of scientifically administered healthcare in order to manage the process of postwar suburbanization. Central to this image was the architect himself. Kling not only served as a designer, but he also appeared as a glamorous “new man” in fundraising and promotional material that aimed to excite Philadelphia’s upper class. In reading the design of Lankenau alongside the use of Kling’s persona in Lankenau’s “A Bold Venture for Health” fundraising campaign, this presentation will attempt to complicate the prevailing theory of corporate architecture as placeless practice with a locally-informed case study in the architecture of community development.

Kevin Block is an architectural historian and preservationist who received his undergraduate degree from Princeton University and his doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley. He has taught courses in architectural history and American Studies at Berkeley and, most recently, at Princeton. His research focuses on the history of American architecture in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, especially the development of architecture as a profession. This presentation is part of a book-length project about Vincent Kling and the figure of the corporate architect. He writes a newsletter about this project entitled “The Architect as Doer” ( He was born in Lankenau Hospital.”

This is the second talk in The Elusive Philadelphia School; The Many Guises of Philadelphia’s Modernism lecture series. Keep your eye on our website for future talks in this series”

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