with Jeff Cohen, Professor, Growth and Structure of Cities. Bryn Mawr College
Tuesday 7 June, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

1100-18 Pine Street, with July 1850 survey made for Israel Van Horn (FFI 93: 11936, HSP)

The tour is free, but space is limited.
Advance registration is required by June 6 at info@philachaptersah.org
Tour starting point will be provided when your registration is confirmed.
Priority will be given to Phila Chapter SAH members, but if space is available non-members are welcome to request a spot.

Join us in a casual spring evening stroll along and near Pine Street, between 9th and 20th Street, with its great run of surviving rowhouses from the latter 2/3 of the 19th century. We’ll set the stage for a mobile conversation by bringing along period plans of and info on several of the buildings we’ll encounter – many as reflections of evolving design practices of speculative developers, along with a few houses that have been individualized by familiar architects.