Chicago at the Global Crossroads
The SAH 68th Annual Conference
Co-Chairs: Ken Tadashi Oshima, 1st Vice President, SAH
Alison Fisher, The Art Institute of Chicago, Department of Architecture and Design
As the SAH marks its 75th anniversary, it is indeed fitting that they gather in the hometown of the Society’s headquarters in Chicago, a city situated at the global crossroads. Strategically located between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River Valley system, Chicago grew rapidly with westward expansion after the 1803 acquisition of the Louisiana Territory. Becoming a major railway hub of the continental U.S. in the second half of the nineteenth century and international airway hub in the twentieth century, Chicago has always been closely connected to major currents in architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design.
For the 2015 Conference, SAH has sought to curate a balance between paper sessions and a direct experience of the dynamism of Chicago through evening events and tours.