Chateau d’Herbault (1525), Allier province, France

by Elizabeth S. Browne
Wednesday, October 28 at 7:00 p.m.
Free and open to all, this talk will be online via Zoom (see below)

The premise of this talk is that the prevalent style of bricklaying in early America is typically, but incorrectly, called “Flemish” bond. Join us as Browne shares her original research on the origins of the elegant brick pattern which moved from France to America in the 16th-18th centuries amidst the upheavals of the Wars of Religion. Her theory, supported by extensive research, explores the path of this cultural artifact of craftsmanship and its craftsmen through the history of religion and society in France and America over two centuries. It has led her to the conclusion that this style should be called “Huguenot” bond, rather than Flemish Bond.

Elizabeth Browne received a BA in Modern European History at Wellesley College, with an emphasis on French history. Living in the midst of American history in Philadelphia gave her a new appreciation for it, leading her to become a tour guide and eventually a consultant to Historic Philadelphia, Inc. in the 1990s, designing tours of the historic area as stories and training guides to give them. She was a founder and vice-president of the Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia, Chair of the Friends of Independence National Historical Park, founder and president of the Historic St. Peter’s Church Preservation Corp. She co-authored St. Peter’s Church: Faith in Action for 250 Years (Temple U. Press, 2011). She is currently a lecturer on American and French history topics, with a special interest in Philadelphia history and architecture and in the close bonds between the French and American peoples. 

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